Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Athos. Porthos. Aramis.

Whoooppss, entry nih takde kena mengena langsung dengan Alexander Dumas punyer cerita kay. Erm, Slumdog Millionaire either. But, Jamal Malik is cute la. Boleh la... hehehe.

Actually, nih cerita bout the three of us. Yep, it's all bout Fadilla, Naema and Nazira. Before goin into details, we're cousins. Err, Naema and Nazira are sisters. And, our moms (mama and mak ngah) are sisters. So, kitorang very close since kecik lagi. Siblings and cousins yang lain pun rapat jugak, tapi untuk entry nih yang enterframe cuma tiga orang jer.

Last weekend cuti agak panjang. Plan nak balik JB terpaksa cancel since takde sesapa kat umah during the weekend. Mama and mak ngah cuti2 mesia ke Sarawak tugeder2 dengan Idlan comel, kak long and abg Rushdi. So, kami2 yang tertinggal di perantauan nih pun plan melepakkan diri bersama2.

Plan pun tak berapa nak plan sangat la. Main terjah jer nih. Tapi memang fun. And, I have to admit la, sumtimes menda2 yang tak plan lagi besh drpd yang dah ready arranged. Spontaneous thingy lagi syok kot. Kadang2 memang nampak macam entahapahapa, tapi at the end of the day... rasa seronok pulak.

So, last friday, cousin datang from JB. Sorang lagi memang stay kat KL. Dorang ajak chill2 sama. Since saturday punyer program dah postpone, so takde problem la nak join dorang beronggeng. Hehe. So, tamat la riwayat weekend yang boring. Hehehe.

Sabtu, the three of us shopping2 kat Times Square, Sogo and pasar malam Jalan TAR. And the next day, the idea pop up just after bangun tido that morning. Kitorang buat plan yang nampak agak poyo dan weng, kitorang pegi Zoo Negara. Hahahaha. Tapi, memang enjoy. Worth la 15 bucks tiket masuk tu. Ala2 kembali ke zaman kanak2 ribena. The difference is, we enjoyed more.

Yep, it reminds me of my lollipop childhood days. Syok! *wink* And, the giraffes are soo cute! Athos, Porthos, Aramis... we had soo much fun! Plus, we totally lurve the animal's world! :)

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